
出版时间:2000-08-01  出版社:Wings  作者:Pierre Boulle  页数:224  


CINEMA CLASSICS brings back into print clas-sic books that were the inspiration for some of the ost beloved films of all time. Too often it is for- gotten, or not even known, that many of theworld's favorite movies were first bestselling books, capturing the imagination of readers, as they would later do for moviegoers. And often the book is richer, deeper, and even more dramatic and compelling than the film, making the reading experience a pleasure all its own.    THE BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER KWAI is such a classic, as both film and novel. First published in 1954, and released as a movie in 1957, starring Alec Guinness and William Holden, and winning seven Academy Awards including one for BestPicture, this is a spellbinding, epic World War II novel about the futility and insanity of war, viewed through the psychological confrontations between a willful British colonel prisoner-of-war and the equally willful Japanese colonel who is head of the camp. With pride, loyalty, tradition, heroism all brought into question, this is a story-- and film--that resonates with suspense, irony, and especially, utterly unforgettable characters.



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用户评论 (总计1条)


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