Northwest Coast Indian Designs CD-ROM and Book印度西北海岸设计

出版时间:2006-2  出版社:Dover Pubns  作者:Madeleine Orban-Szontagh  页数:46  


  More than 280 designs, originally produced by Native Americans of the U.S. Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the western coast of Canada make up this rich design collection. Products of the Nootka, Kwakiutl, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, and other groups, the images depict stylized plants, birds and animals, abstract borders and repeating patterns, dramatic totemic images and symbols, and a host of other decorative elements.  The attractive and sometimes startling motifs provide artists, designers, and craftspeople with an inexpensive and richly varied selection of decorative images that will be invaluable to any design library.



    Northwest Coast Indian Designs CD-ROM and Book印度西北海岸设计 PDF格式下载

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