Traditional and Contemporary Stained Glass Designs CD-ROM and Book 传统与现代着色玻璃设计

出版时间:2004-3  作者:Joel Wallach  页数:60  


Beautiful stained glass designs have enhanced homes, churches, and other buildings for centuries. Their continuing popularity makes this attractive collection of both traditional and contemporary styles invaluable to stained glass workers. Landscapes, geometrical patterns, florals, and birds are among the wealth of motifs presented. Included in the set are:  One CD-ROM containing 165 high-quality, permission-free images scanned at 600 dpi and saved in six different formats  A large-format 64-page book with every image on the CD-ROM printed large and clearly for easy reference.  Available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes suitable as patterns for windows, mirrors, panels, and other glass configurations, these immediately usable designs also lend themselves to a broad range of other art and craft purposes.



    Traditional and Contemporary Stained Glass Designs CD-ROM and Book 传统与现代着色玻璃设计 PDF格式下载

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