Decorative Floral Designs and Motifs CD-ROM and Book装饰性花卉的主题设计

出版时间:2004-4  作者:Madeleine Orban-Szontagh  页数:64  


Recreate a lovely spray of tulips and daffodils that once bloomed on an earlynineteenth-century fabric. Duplicate a lush Persian floral print from the late1700s. These and scores of other elegant designs incorporating flowers andfruit--adapted from patterns on antique textiles--are available for a variety ofapplications in this handsome CD-ROM and book collection.    Ideal for use by commercial artists and designers with projects calling for floral borders, centerpieces, and allover patterns, these designs will also appeal to hobbyists who enjoy embroidery, textile design, woodworking, and other crafts.    Original Dover (2004) publication. 275 black-and-white illustrations. One CD-ROMand 64-page paperbound book. 81/4×11.



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