出版时间:2007-3 出版社:Dover Pubns 作者:David Dutkanicz 页数:108
Beginning with works by Frescobaldi, Scarlatti, Giambattista, and Handel, this collection features several compositions by the fugue's most famous expositor, Johann Sebastian Bach, including many pieces from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Contributions from latter-day composers include works by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Robert and Clara Schumann, Brahms, and Saint-Saëns.
GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI (1583-1644)Fugue in G MinorDOMENICO SCARLATTI (1683-1757)The Cat's FuguePADRE MARTINI GIAMBATTISTA (1706-1784)Fugue in E MinorGEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (1685-1759)Fugue in G MajorFugue in G Minor JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750)WTC Book IFugue No.1Fugue No.2Fugue No.6Fugue No.16 WTC Book IIFugue No.7Fugue No.14 Fugue No.15 Fugue No.24 St.Anne's FugueArt of the FugueFugue No.1Fugue No.7Fugue in A Major on aTheme of Albinoni Fugue in C Major fromThe Clavier-Buchen of W.E BachFugue in Bb Major arranged fromJ.A.Reincken's Hortus MusicusGoldberg VariationsVariation No.10 Chromatic Fantasy and FugueFugue WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791)Fantasia and Fugue in C Major, K.Fugue Fugue in G Minor, K.154 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)Eroica Variations - Finale FELIX MENDELSSOHn (1809-1847)Six Preludes and Fugues, Op.35Fugue No.1Fugue No.6ROBERT SCHUMANN (181 0-1856)Seven Pieces in Fugal Form, Op.126Fugue No.1Fugue No.2Fugue No.6CLARA SCHUMANN (1819-1896)3 Preludes and Fugues, Op.16Fugue No.1JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833-1897)Variations and Fugue on aTheme of Handel, Op.24FugueCAMILLE SAINT- SAENS (1835-1921)Six Etudes, Op.52Etude No.3 - Fugue Six Etudes for the Left Hand, Op.135Etude No.2, Alia Fuga.
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