Scriabin Masterpieces (平装)

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:Dover Publications (2001年11月28日)  作者:Alexander Scriabin  页数:122  


Outstanding works comprised mainly of short pieces reflecting the highly atmospheric and exotic style of the composer's maturity, among them Poème tragique, Poème satanique, Fragilité, Poème ailé, Danse languide, Enigme, Ironies, Désir, Caresse dansée, Masque, and Guirlandes. Also includes three of Scriabin's most popular works: the poetic Etude in C Minor, the brilliant and virtuosic Etude in D-sharp Minor, and the world-famous Vers la flamme.


Etude in C-sharp minor, Op. 2 no. 1Three Etudes from Op. 8 Etude in F-sharp minor, Op. 8 no. 2 Etude in E major, Op. 8 no. 5 Etude in D-sharp minor, Op. 8 no. 12Nocturne in D-fiat major for Left Hand Mone, Op. 9 no. 2Six Preludes from Op. 11  Prelude in A minor, Op. 11 no. 2  Prelude in B minor, Op. 11 no. 6  Prelude in F-sharp minor, Op. 11 no. 8  Prelude in C-sharp minor/E major, Op. 11 no. 9  Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 11 no. 10  Prelude in E-fiat minor, Op. 11 no. 14Fantaisie in B minor, Op. 28Poeme in F-sharp major, Op. 32 no. 1Poeme satanique, Op. 36Etude in C-sharp minor, Op. 42 no. 5Danse languide, Op. 51 no 4From Three Pieces, Op. 52 Poeme languide EnigmeSonata No. 5 in F-sharp major, Op. 53Two Pieces, Op. 57  Desir  Caresse dansdeVers la flamme: Poeme, Op. 72Two Dances, Op. 73  Guirlandes  Flammes sombresFive [Last] Preludes No. 1. Douloureux, dlchirant. No. 2. Tres lent, contemplatif  No. 3. Allegro drammatico No. 4. Lent, vague, indlcis  No. 5. Fier, belliqueux



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