《死亡之舞》和其它钢琴独奏作品 Danse Macabre and Other Works for Solo Piano

出版时间:1998-8  出版社:Dover  作者:Camille Saint-Saens  页数:249  


Splendid compilation features a variety of the composer's best piano works, including "Danse Macabre" (presented here in the brilliant arrangement by Liszt),  "Allegro appassionato," "Album" (consisting of 6 pieces), "Rhapsodie d'Auvergne," "Theme and Variations," plus 6 etudes, 3 waltzes, and 6 etudes for left hand alone. Introduction. Reproduced from authoritative sources


Danse macabre, Op. 40·Dance of death (1874)    Symphonic poem, transcribed for piano by Franz Liszt (1876)Six &udes pour le piano, Op. 52·Six piano studies (1877)    1.  Prelude    2.  Pour l'independance des doigts·For finger independence    3.  Prelude and Fugue in F minor    4.  Etude de rythme·Rhythm study    5.  Prelude and Fugue in A major    6.  En forme de valse·In waltz formAllegro appassionato, Op. 70 (1884)Album pour piano, Op. 72·Piano album (1884)    1. Prelude    2. Carillon    3. Toccata    4. Valse·Waltz    5. Chanson napolitaine·Neapolitan song    6. FinaleRhapsodie d'Auvergne, Op. 73·Auvergne rhapsody (1884)Wedding Cake, Caprice-Valse, Op. 76 (1885)    Originally for piano and orchestra / Transcribed for solo piano by A. Benfeld Theme varie, Op. 97·Varied theme (1894) Three waltzes    Valse mignonne, Op. 104·Dainty waltz (1896)    Valse langoureuse, Op. 120·Languid waltz (1903)    Valse gaie, Op. 139·Gay waltz (1913) From Six eudes pour le piano, Op. 111·Six piano studies (1899)    3. Prelude and Fugue in E-flat Minor    4.  "Les cloches de Las Palmas"·"The bells of Las Palmas"    6. ToccataSix &udes pour la main gauche seule, Op. 135  Six studies for left hand alone (1912)    1. Prelude    2.  Alia fuga·In fugal style    3. Moto perpetuo·Perpetual mouon    4. Bourr&    5. Elegie·Elegy    6. Gigue



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