Little Women 小妇人

出版时间:1997-6  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Louisa May Alcott  页数:108  


One of the most popular books ever written about childhood charmingly recounts the homelife of four sisters: literary-minded Jo March; Meg, the older sister who marries a young tutor; fashionable and artistic Amy; and gentle, musically inclined Beth. An unforgettable depiction of mid-19th century New England life. Abridged.In this favorite story of long ago, you'll meet the unforgettableMarch sisters--Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. They live with their mother,called Marmee, in a small house next to the Lawrence mansion.Their father is an army chaplain, away during the Civil War.    You'll enjoy getting to know the sisters and sharing the adventure ofgrowing up. Meg is plump and earns money by caring for children inthe neighborhood. Jo likes to write and make up stories and plays forher sisters. Beth is gentle and quiet and enjoys knitting by the fireand helping with household chores. Amy, the youngest, wants to bean artist.    As you read or listen to this specially abridged version of the story,you'll be there as the Marches share Christmas breakfast with a poorfamily, as ]o sells her beautiful, long hair to buy a train ticket soMarmee can visit Mr. March; as Beth falls ill with scarlet fever; andas the sisters become grown women who fall in love and get married.Reprinted in large, easy-to-read type, this edition includes 30 newillustrations that capture the joy and sadness of this wonderful storyof a close-knit family in 19th-ceritury America.


Chapter1.A Letter2.A Merry Christmas3.The Laurence Boy4.Being Neighborly5.Camp Laurence6.Castles in the Air7.Secrets8.A Telegram9.Little Faithful10.Confidential11.Aunt March Settles the Question12.The First Weddin913.Calls14.Consequences and a Secret15.New Impressions16.Surprises



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   好像是减缩版的。全文基本都能读懂,相较于其他英文版的书籍,可以说是相当简单了。纸张也很不错,印刷也很好。是本好书!以前的时候就看过根据这本书改编的电影,真的很喜欢乔!家里已经有三个版本的《小妇人》了,这次又买了一个全英文版本的,想来以后还是要在买一本原版的。世界名著,经过了长久的时间洗礼,是文化的积淀,值得收藏!
  •   这本书是小妇人的简略版,Ineasy-to-readType.更适合中学生阅读,虽然是英文原版书籍,但印刷质量一般,纸张比较粗糙,字体偏小,没有什么特别之处。唯一的好处是轻薄,内容有插图,适合做小孩的床头读物。个人感觉是不推荐这本书,如果想看完整的小说,可以买其他的版本。从这本书的质量也可见原版书不一定就比国内的书质量好,而且价格不便宜。原价是2美元,但当当的标价是20RMB,觉得有些不值。
  •   我记得我的同学看的原版很厚的呢,这个内容好少啊

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