Complete String Quartets柴可夫斯基弦乐四重奏全谱

出版时间:1994-12-2  出版社:Dover Publications  作者:Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky,Alexander Borodin  页数:236  


Although the string quartet was a rarely used form in 19th-century Russia,Tchaikovsky and Borodin both produced superb, inventive compositions in the genre. Included in this volume are the three quartets by Tchaikovsky and the two by Borodin. Tchaikovsky's String Quartet No. 1 in D, Op. 11, is notable for itsimaginative freshness and world-famous Andante cantabile movement. His Quartet No. 2 in F, Op. 22, displays remarkable fluency and skilled craftsmanship, while Quartet No. 3 in E-flat Minor, Op. 30, combines austerity with deeply felt intensity and vigor.    Borodin's two string quartets are characterized by his impeccable craftsmanshipand expert understanding and use of his instruments. The popular String Quartet No. 2 is especially known for the luxuriant richness of its third movement "Nocturne." Now all five works are available in this handsome, inexpensive edition, reprinted from authoritative scores.


PETER ILYITCH TCHAIKOVSKY: THREE STRING QUARTETS  Quartet No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11 (1871)    I. Moderato e semplice—Allegro non troppo ma con fuoco    II. Andante cantabile    lII. Scherzo: Allegro non tanto e con fuoco    IV Finale: Allegro giusto—Andante—Allegro vivace  Quartet No. 2 in F Major, Op. 22 (1874)    I. Adagio—Moderato assai    II. Scherzo: Allegro giusto    III. Andante rna non tanto—Pochissimo piu mosso    IV Finale: Allegro con moto—Piu mosso  Quartet No. 3 in E-flat Minor, Op. 30 (1875?)    I. Andante sostenuto—Allegro moderato—Andante sostenuto    II. Allegretto vivo e scherzando    III. Andante funebre e doloroso, ma con rnoto    IV Finale: Allegro non troppo e risoluto—(quasi andante)—VivaceALEXANDER BORODIN: TWO STRING QUARTETS  Quartet No. 1 in A Major (1877-8)    I. Moderato—Allegro   141    II. Andante con moto—Fugato: Un poco piu rnosso    Ill. Scherzo: Prestissimo—Trio: Moderato [Scherzo da capo]    IV Andante—Allegro risoluto—Piu animato  Quartet No. 2 in D Major (1880?)    I. Allegro moderato—Anirnato—Tempo I—Animato—Tranquillo   189    II. Scherzo: Allegro—Meno mosso—Tempo I—Vivace    III. Notturno: Andante—piu mosso—Ternpo l    IV Finale: Andante—Vivace—Andante/Vivace [etc, simile]



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