Symphony No. 5 门德尔松第五交响曲

出版时间:1994-3  出版社:Dover Publications Inc.  作者:Felix Mendelssohn  页数:91  


Mendelssohn composed the Symphony No. 5 ("Reformation"), Op. 107, foreelebrations commemorating the Reformation and the Augsburg Confession. In it,he strove to formulate the idea of the Reformation in symphonie terms, conveyingboth the joy and suffering implicit in the subjeet, building to a powerful series ofvariations on Martin Luther's eonfessional ehorale Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott ("Amighty fortress is our God"). A staple of the orehestral repertoire, the work isreprinted here from the authoritative edition published by Breitkopf & Hairtel ofLeipzig.


SYMPHONY NO 5 ("Reformation"), Op. 107 (1832)I.Andante--Allegro con fuoco--Andante--  meno AllegroII.Allegro vivacelII.AndanteIV.Chorale: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott  Andante con moto--Allegro vivace--Allegro maestoso



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