
出版时间:2006-10-6  出版社:Wiley  作者:Will Bonner,Addison Wiggin  页数:370  


In Empire of Debt, maverick financial writers Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin provide you with the first in-depth look at how the American character has shifted to accommodate its new imperial role; how we have abandoned the private virtues of personal liberty, economic freedom, and fiscal restraint; and how the government has gained control of public life and the economy.


Introduction: Slouching toward Empire  I  Imperia Absurdum    1  Dead Men Talking    2  Empires of Dirt    3  How Empires Work    4  As We Go Marching  II  Woodrow Crosses the Rubicon    5  The Road to Hell    6  The Revolution of 1913 and the Great Depression    7  MacNamara’s War    8  Nixon’s the One  III  Evening in America    9  Reagan’s Legacy    10  America’s Glorious Empire of Debt    11  Modern Imperial Finance    12  Something Wicked This Way Comes  IV  The Essential Investor    13  Welcome to Squanderville    14  Still Turning Japanese    15  The Wall Street Fandango    16  Subversive Investing  Appendix: The Essentialist Glossary  Notes  Index




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