应急计划 Wiley Pathways Emergency Planning

出版时间:2006-9  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Perry, Ronald W./ Lindell, Michael K.  页数:519  


In order for a community to be truly prepared to respond to any type of emergency, it must develop effective emergency planning. Emergency Planning guides readers through the steps of developing these plans, offering a number of strategies that will help ensure success. It delves into the patterns of human disaster behavior, social psychology, and communication as well as the basics of generic protective actions, planning concepts, implementation, and action.


1. Introduction to Emergency Planning. 2. The Emergency Planning Process. 3. Patterned Human Behavior in Disasters . 4. Fostering Successful Emergency Planning . 5. Classes of Protective Action Recommendations. 6. Analyzing and Selecting Protective Actions. 7. The Content and Format of Emergency Plans. 8. Continuity of Operations Plans. 9. Milestones That Structure Emergency Planning. 10. Population Warning. 11. Planning for Hazard Adjustment. 12. Structures for Managing Emergency Response. 13. Selected Federal Emergency Planning Mandates. 14. Emergency Planning, Professionalism and the Future. Bibliography. Glossary. Index.



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