破解 Google 地图 Hacking GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth

出版时间:2006-07-24  出版社:Wiley  作者:Martin C. Brown  页数:373  


Great vacation photos—too bad you can't remember where you took them. And wouldn't it have been terrific to find a pizza joint when you bumped into your college buddy in that little ski town? Well, by making Google Maps and Google Earth do your bidding, you can find out not only where you're going, but where you've been. Get an aerial view of the beach in that picture. Pinpoint every Thai takeout in your girlfriend's zip code. Plan the Great International Rollercoaster Tour. Here's how. 作者简介:    Martin "MC" Brown is the author of numerous computer books and a devoted mapping geek. He's a regular contributor to ServerWatch.com and IBM developerWorks, and he is currently a member of the MySQL Documentation Team. His expertise spans multiple platforms and development languages.


Acknowledgments Introduction Part Ⅰ Basics   Chapter 1 Using Geographical Information   Chapter 2 The Google Local Interface   Chapter 3 The GoogleMaps API   Chapter 4 The Google Web API   Chapter 5 Storing and Sharing Information Part Ⅱ Instant Gratification   Chapter 6 Working with Existing Address Information   Chapter 7 Extending the Google API Examples   Chapter 8 Discovering Overlays and Mash-ups Part Ⅲ Google Map Hacks   Chapter 9 Using Overlays   Chapter 10 Overlaying Statistical Data   Chapter 11 Building a Community Site   Chapter 12 The Realtors and Archaeologists Toolkit   Chapter 13 I Need to Get To   Chapetr 14 Merging with Flickr Photos Part Ⅳ Google Earth Hacks   Chapter 15 Introducing Google Earth   Chapter 16 Generating Google Earth Feeds   Chapter 17 History and Planning with Google Earth Appendix Resources Index




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