
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Timothy P. Carney  页数:285  


When it comes to the corporations that dominate the US economy, says Carney, there's no difference between Big Business Republicans and Tax-and-Spend Democrats. No matter who's in charge, Big Government and Big Business team up to create a quasi-fascist collective designed to extract maximum revenue from the common citizen. Carney has a host of facts to back up this theory, covering the history of Big Business and Big Government, the tradition of corporate welfare in America, profiles of such private offenders as Phillip Morris and Enron, and the "green" cheat of "environmentalism for profit." Even the heavy taxes and regulation under which large corporations operate is, paradoxically, largely to their benefit, in Carney's view; such impediments serve as barriers to competition, keeping out rivals and allowing monopolies and oligopolies to thrive-and the extra expense, in what becomes a familiar pattern, is simply passed on to the consumer. Though Carney's dire prognosis seems grim, this is an absorbing look at the disconcertingly cozy (and profitable) relationship that has developed between regulator and regulated in America.作者简介:    TIMOTHY P. CARNEY is a freelance investigative reporter, in Washington, D.C. He has worked under veteran political reporter Bob Novak, has served fellowships with the Phillips Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and has worked as a reporter at Human Events. Carney has written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Sun, Washington Times, National Review Online, American Spectator, American Conservative, D.C. Examiner, and a handful of other magazines, newspapers, and Web sites.


Foreword by Robert D. Novak. Acknowledgments. 1 The Big Ripoff:The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled. PART Ⅰ FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES.   2 The Parties of Big Business: Corporate America Loves Republicans and Democrats—Republicans and Democrats Love Big Business.   3 The History of Big Business: . . . Is the History of Big Government. PART Ⅱ CORPORATE WELFARE.   4 Robin Hood in Reverse: Corporate Welfare in America.   5 Boeing’s Bank:The Export-Import Bank of the United States.   6 Eminent Domain for Corporate Gain:The “Public Purpose” of Big Business. PART Ⅲ REGULATE ME!   7 Regulators and Robber Barons:How Government Regulation Protects the Big Guys and Rips Off the Little Guys.   8 The War against Tobacco:Why Phillip Morris is Leading It.   9 You Get Taxed,They Get Rich:Why Big Business Loves High Taxes. PART Ⅳ GREEN:THE COLOR OF MONEY.   10 Environmentalism for Profit: How Bad Environmentalist Laws Give Your Money to Big Business.   11 Enron:A Big-Government Scandal.   12 Ethanol and Archer Daniels Midland: Corporate Moonshiners on the Dole. Notes. Index.




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