
出版时间:2007-10-26  出版社:Wiley  作者:Harvey Frommer  页数:262  


Eight decodes is a very long time in profes.sional sports.Yet eighty years after their spectacular season and thrilling World Series victory,the 1 927 New York Yankees are still widely recognized as the greatest team in Major League BasebalI history.Not only did they domi.nate their league and run away with the pennant,they became the first American League team ever to win the World Series in four games straight.They weren’t called”Murderers’Row”for noth.ing.But many Of the most fascinating and excitingdetails Of that storied  season  have  Iong  beenforgotten;many more have never been revealed to the public-until now.     In Five 0"Clock Lightning,award-winning sports writer Harvey Frommer puts you in the dugout,takes you aboard the team train,and lets you peekinto the hoteI rooms 0f the game~most celebrated team and its larger-than-Iife heroes.You’¨meet legendary manager Miller Huggins,whose dimin.utive stature masked a gigantic store of basebalI savvy;the young,robust,and exquisitely talented Lou Gehrig,known at that time as“the Buster”:lhe prickly but powerful Long Bob Meusel;the tociturn and talented Tony Lazzeri,anxious to redeem him.self after blowing a key at.bat in the final game Offhe 1 926 Series;and,towering over them aII.the Babe.    Quite fittingly,the story of the’27 Yanks begins and ends with Babe Ruth:from his fabled,and very public,preseason contract negotiations with team owner Jake Ruppert,which made Ruth the highest。paid player in baseball,to his raucous barnstorming tour with Gehrig following their spectacular victory in the Series.In between.he ¨his sixtieth home run on the next.to.Iast day of the season,topping his previous world record of fifty-nine,set in 1921.  作者简介:  HARVEY FROMMER has been writing about sports for nearly thirty-five years. He has been honored by the New York State Legislature and cited in the Congressional Record as a sports his-torian, a SABR Keynote Speaker, and an expert witness for Major League Baseball. Dr. Frommer is a professor emeritus at City University of New York and a professor at Dartmouth College in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program. He has written nearly forty sports books, including Red Sox vs. Yankees: The Great Rivalry, A Yankee Century, and New York City Baseball.


Acknowledgments 1  The Best of Times 2  Preseason 3  The Roster 4  Spring 5  Summer 6  The World Series 7  After the 1927 SeasonAppendix A  New York Yankee Salaries, 1927Appendix B  Babe Ruth's 60 Home Runs, 1927Appendix C  The Last Will and Testament of George Herman RuthBiliographyIndex




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