
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Gandossy, Robert P. (EDT)/ Tucker, Elissa (EDT)/ Verma, Nidhi (EDT)  页数:323  


"Great questions + great thinkers = novel ideas. Workforce Wake-Up Call deals with the challenges of getting, revitalizing, treating (engaging), and leading talent in today's workplace. These talent issues are at the core of successful organizations. And the authors deal with these challenges as a marvelous mix of theory, research, and practice. This anthology offers practical insights that give hope for mastering the challenges of the new workforce."—David Ulrich, Professor, Ross School of Business University of Michigan and Partner, The RBL Group   "In the near future, there will be dramatic shifts in workplace practices and a further evolution of employment relationships. The authors provide provocative insights that help business leaders better navigate the talent maze and workforce challenges."—J. Randall MacDonald, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, IBM   "This book addresses the question that all companies need to answer: Are your talent management efforts competitively positioning the business? The global economy is leveling the playing field on many fronts, leaving talent as the one true area where your company can gain leverage in the marketplace. Change is proving to be a constant in the workplace, and the authors have created a great blueprint for handling these ever-present challenges in the recruitment and retention of your workforce. This book is a must-read for any executive serious about building a high-performing team and achieving sustainable advantage for both today and tomorrow."—Dennis Donovan, Executive Vice President of Human Resources, The Home Depot   "The best ideas from the best minds on the workforce of the future!"—Marshall Goldsmith, author or coeditor of twenty books, including The Leader of the Future (a BusinessWeek bestseller) and Global Leadership: The Next Generation   Contributors to Workforce Wake-Up Call include:   Max Bazerman, Harvard Business Schoolcoauthor of Predictable Surprises   Peter Cappelli, The Wharton School author of The New Deal at Work   Lynda Gratton, London Business School author of The Democratic Enterprise   Ed Lawler, University of Southern California author of Treat People Right!   Thomas Malone, MIT Sloan School of Management author of The Future of Work   N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman of Infosys Technologies Limited   Nigel Nicholson, London Business School author of Executive Instinct   Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stanford University author of The Human Equation   Matt Schuyler, Executive Vice President of Human Resources, Capital One   Ricardo Semler, President of Semco author of The Seven-Day Weekend   Noel Tichy, University of Michigan author of The Leadership Engine   Sheila Wellington, Stern School of Business author of Be Your Own Mentor


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsIntroductionAbundance,Asia, and Automation (Daniel HPink)PART I: Get the Talent Forecast and Workforce Strategy Right  Chapter 1.Some Half-Truths about Managing People: A Call for Evidence-Based Management (Jeffrey Pfeffer)  Chapter 2.Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming (Michael D.Watkins and Max HBazerman)  Chapter 3.Human Capital Investments for Pareto-Optimal Returns (Samir JRaza and Mark CUbelhart)  Chapter 4.Using Workforce Analytics to Make StrategicTalent Decisions (Matt Schuyler)PART II: Revitalize the Talent Entry Processes  Chapter 5.Cutting Through the Fog: Navigating the Messy Wars for Talent (Helen Handfield-Jones)  Chapter 6.Staffing for the Future: Next Generation Workforce Management (Robert PGandossy and Tina Kao)  Chapter 7.How an Evolving Psychological Contract Is Changing Workforce Flexibility (David EGuest)  Chapter 8.Leading the Knowledge Nomad: An Overlooked Segment of the Workforce Explodes the Myth That Worker Mobility Comes at the Expense ofWorker Engagement (Todd LPittinsky and Margaret JShih)  Chapter 9.What Happened to the “New Deal” with Employees? (Peter Cappelli and Rocio Bonet)  Chapter 10.Human Capital Relationship Management: Using Customer Relationship Management to Customize Employee Relationships (Caryn Rowe and Elissa Tucker)  Chapter 11.Getting the “New” Newcomer Connected and Productive Quickly (Rob Cross, Salvatore Parise, and Keith Rollag)PART III:Treat Talent Well  Chapter 12.Creating a Virtuous Spiral Organization (Edward ELawler III)  Chapter 13.Managing Workforce Challenges in India’s IT Industry (NRNarayana Murthy)  Chapter 14.Unleashing the Power of a High Performance Workforce (Bob Campbell, Betsy Scheffel, and Nidhi Verma)  Chapter 15.Out of This World: Doing Things the Semco Way (Ricardo Semler)  Chapter 16.Diversity’s Next Frontier: Hard-Core Inclusion: The Hard Stuff of a Soft Concept   (Andrés Tapia)  Chapter 17.The Democratic Enterprise (Lynda Gratton)PART IV:Embrace New Age Leadership  Chapter 18.Building Tomorrow’s Leadership Pipeline (Noel M.Tichy and Christopher MDeRose)  Chapter 19.The Future of Work: From “Command and Control” to“Coordinate and Cultivate” (Thomas WMalone)  Chapter 20.Women in Business Leadership: What Companies Ought to Do (Sheila Wellington)  Chapter 21.Leadership in the Internet Age: Managing a Diverse and Dispersed Workforce (Patricia Wallace)  Chapter 22.Workforce Diversity: A Global HR Topic That Has Arrived (Ted Childs)  Chapter 23.Organization as Nature Intended: Human Universals and the Employment Experience (Nigel Nicholson)NotesAbout the ContributorsIndex



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