
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Lakhani, Dave  页数:227  


Praise for persuasion the art of getting what you want "Dave has exposed the secrets of the most powerful persuaders in the world. This book is a step-by-step guide to changing minds and deeply influencing people in person, in print, on the air, or anyplace else you need to persuade. This book makes persuasion so easy and predictable that it may be the most dangerous persuasion book ever written . . . especially if it ends up in the hands of your competition." —Mike Litman, CEO, Connect To Success, Inc. and coauthor of Conversations with Millionaires   "Dave Lakhani tells you everything you've just got to know about persuasion in this book. It is written provocatively, yet clearly. And it is sure to open your mind while enriching your bank account. I highly recommend it. Fasten your seatbelt when you read it. It takes you on a thrilling ride!"—Jay Conrad Levinson, "The Father of Guerrilla Marketing" and author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books   "Dave Lakhani understands persuasion like few do and is able to break the process down so anyone can understand and use it. I highly recommend this book to anyone who hopes to improve their ability to sell, market, advertise, or negotiate."—Chet Holmes, Fortune 500 superstrategist and author of the Mega Marketing, Business Growth Masters, and Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master sales programs   "Man, talk about persuasive. Dave convinced me to read and review his book, and I don't even like the guy."—Blaine Parker, author of Million-Dollar Mortgage Radio   "Too few books actually put into practice what they promote. Dave Lakhani breaks the mold with this satisfying, powerful read."—John Klymshyn, author of Move the Sale Forward


Foreword by Jeffrey Gitomer. Preface. Acknowledgments. About the Author. 1. Manipulation. 2. Persuasion. 3. Persona—The Invisible Persuader. 4. Transferring Power and Credibility. 5. Storytelling. 6. Gurudom. 7. Desire to Believe. 8. Familiarity. 9. Exclusivity and Availability. 10. Curiosity. 11. Relevancy. 12. Permission Granting13. The Quick Persuaders. 14. The Persuasion Equation. 15. Persuasive Selling. 16. Persuasive Advertising. 17. Persuasive Negotiating. 18. Persuading the Masses Electronically. 19. Mastering Persuasion—The Art of Getting What You Want. Persuasion Resources. Recommended Readings. Index.



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