出版时间:2006-12 出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc 作者:Craul, Timothy A./ Craul, Phillip J. 页数:339
Natural soils are very fragile, and changing the use or design of a landscape increases the number of environmental variables that contend with the planting soil. Not all projects require a soil consultant, but the success and longevity of a landscape project requires that landscape architects and contractors be capable of developing and installing suitable planting soils. Now, in one convenient reference, Soil Design Protocols for Landscape Architects and Contractors provides step-by-step, technical skill sets for implementing productive planting soils for a variety of projects. Drawing on a wealth of experience in soils, forestry, micrometeorology, geomorphology, and agronomy, this book's authorial team presents: * A succinct introduction to the physical and chemical properties that pertain to all planting soils * Informative descriptions of how a project evolves from site investigation to construction administration * Quick, easy-to-read procedures organized in the standard landscape architect stages of a project * Step-by-step templates to use from a project's inception to completion * The latest material on such specialized design elements as rooftops, intensely designed elements, and treatment wetlands, as well as pervious poured concrete, pervious pavers, and the supporting soil
TIMOTHY A. CRAUL, CPSSc, President of Craul Land Scientists, Inc., is a land scientist with extensive experience in the soil survey process of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, and a guest lecturer at The Pennsylvania State University, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
Foreword Preface Chapter One: Introduction to the Soil Chapter Two: Design Concept Phase Chapter Three: Site Investigation Chapter Four: Design Documents Chapter Five: Construction Documents Chapter Six: Construction Administration Appendix: Client Questions and the Planting Soil Defense References Index
景观建筑师与承包商土地设计规范 Soil Design Protocols for Landscape Architects and Contractors PDF格式下载