建筑商业战略与实例研究 Professional Practice 101

出版时间:2006-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Pressman, Andy  页数:393  


Shed fresh light on the many issues involved in the operation of an architectural practice -- from how a firm is structured to how it manages projects and secures new business -- with the latest edition of Professional Practice 101. Case studies, new to the this edition, augment each chapter as does a wealth of material   including coverage of:   Project management   Time management   Group dynamics and teamwork   Project delivery   Communication and leadership skills   Design and information technology   Marketing   Legal and licensing issues   Financial management   Risk management and professional liability insurance   Client and contractor relations


Foreword to the Second Edition by Thomas Fisher Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Practice, Practice, Practice  What It Means to Be a Professional or the Courage to Be a Misfit   Professionalism and the Public Interest  Professional Through and Through  Linking Design and Practice  For Whom Should You Design?  Are You an Artist or an Architect?  Sidebar: Voodoo and Hearsay  Almost All About IDP, ARE, AIA, NCARB, NAAB, and ACSA  Sidebar: Timing of the Architect Registration Examination  Designing Your Career  Case Study: Designing Your Career Chapter 2 Do the Right Thing  Architects and Ethics  Sidebar: Postscript on Ethical Behavior  Case Study: The Fifty-Nine-Story Crisis Chapter 3 The Firm: Commoditiy and Delight  Design Firm Typologies  Firm Start-Ups  Two Start-Up Profiles: Young, Digital, and Good  Profiles in Courage: Three Firms  Case Study: ABC/Prieto Haskell  Case Study Analysis: A Firm in Search of a New Identity  Case Study: Rose/Knox Townhouses or Architects Build Cheap House for Themselves Chapter 4 Project Management  Managing the Process versus Producing the Product   Making Group Projects in Studio Work for You   Client Relations: Of Timing and Schmoozing  Designing Your Time  Sidebar: Experimental Drawing-Drawing to Steal  The Ultimate Manager: The Role of Wisdom in Louis Kahn's Office  Case Study: Anne Cahill (A) and (B)  Author's Case Study Analysis: Portrait of a Project Manager  Case Study: Drawing as a Means to Practice Chapter 5 Making a (Financial) Statement  Financial Management Primer  idebar: Managing the Labor Force  The Real Meaning of Green Design: Fees and Schedules  Conventional versus Progressive Real Estate Development  Case Study: Downtown Albuquerque Theater Block Chapter 6 To Market, to Market  Top 10 Rules of Marketing  Marketing for Success  Sidebar: Selling Architectural Services  Top 10 Presentation Skills  Top 10 Principles for Design on the Web  Case Study: Richards Roth Caruso, Inc Chapter 7 Laws and Order Chapter 8 Risky Business Chapter 9 New Modes of Service and Project Delivery Chapter 10 Nontraditional Practice Chapter 11 Social Responsibilities Index



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