
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Allen, Edward/ Rand, Patrick/ Iano, Joseph (ART)  页数:321  


"Allen and Rand keep their attention on what adds up to make a great space while including sustainability and the International Building code to this edition。 Their concise patterns control water and air leakage, control heat and sound flow, accommodate movement, provide structural support, allow for mechanical and electrical services, maintain health and safety, consider the life cycle of the building, and ensure construction through ease of assembly, efficient use of construction resources, and judicious use of aesthetically satisfying but forgiving details。" (Book News, February 2008)


Introduction PART Ⅰ: DETAIL PATTERNS  Section 1: Function   Chapter 1 Controlling Water Leakage    Wash    Overlap    Overhang and Drip    Drain and Weep    Unobstructed Drainage    Cold Roof    Foundation Drainage    Moisture Break    Capillary Break    Labyrinth    Rainscreen Assembly    Upstand    Sealant Joints and Gaskets   Chapter 2 Controlling Air Leakage    Air Barrier Surface    Weatherstripped Crack   Chapter 3 Controlling Heat Flow    Thermal Insulation    Thermal Break    Multiple Glazing    White and Bright Surfaces    Reflective Glazing    Reflective Surface and Airspace    Outside-Insulated Thermal Mass   Chapter 4 Controlling Water Vapor    Warm Interior Surfaces    Warm-Side Vapor Retarder    Vapor Ventilation    Condensate Drainage   Chapter 5 Controlling Sound    Airtight,Heavy,Limp Partition    Cushioned Floor    Quiet Attachments    Sound-Absorbing Surfaces   Chapter 6 Accommodating Movement    Seasoning and Curing    Vertical-Grain Lumber    Equalizing Cross Grain    Relieved Back    Foundation Below Frost Line    Structure/Enclosure Joint    Abutment Joint    Expansion Joint    Control Joint    Sliding Joint    Building Separation Joint    Chapter 7 Providing Structural Support   Chapter 8 Providing Passages for Mechanical and Electrical Services   Chapter 10 Providing for the Aging of the Building  SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTIBILITY  Chapter 11 Ease of Assembly  Chapter 12 Forgiving Details   Chapter 13 Efficient Use of Construction  Section 3: Aesthetics   Chapter 14 Aesthetics PART Ⅱ: DETAIL DEVELOPMENT  Section 1: Applying the Detail Patterns   Section 2: Getting Started Appendices Index



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