大M, 小m

出版时间:2003-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Ketchum, David  页数:220  


BIG M, little m Marketing: New Strategies for a New Asia is a call to action for marketers in Asia to re-think their strategies (Big M Marketing), the tactics used (little m Marketing), and how the two are brought together. Factors such as the arrival of the WTO in China and Taiwan, growing transparency in business practices, and the impact of reforms following the 1997 financial crisis are rapidly and permanently altering the marketing landscape in Asia. The Pace of change is accelerating and many companies are only now awakening to the new competitive realities. With the right mix of BIG M and little m Marketing, any company or brand can transcend such entrenched interests as existing distribution networks, family relationships, and government bureaucracy.   Author David Ketchum draws on his extensive experience as a marketer and a consultant in the region to guide readers across the BIG M, little m Marketing Map, and help marketers plot their own course. The book shows the way forward for companies to gain competitive advantage by bringing global best practice to bear in ways that meet Asia’s specific business environment and customer needs. The book is packed with practical insights, real life examples and useful tools.


David Ketchum is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Upstream Asia. He specializes in brand building, marketing and corporate communications in Asia-Pacific. He first came to the region in 1991 as vice president, Greater China director of marketing for


Acknowledgments1 Preface2 Introduction3 BIG M, little m Marketing4 Asian Sense and Business Sensibility  Confucianism  Tracing the Chinese Networks  Putting Marketing in Context  Relationships  Marketing Management Decision Making5  The Compass  The "BIG M'- strategy  The "little m'- tactics  Integration bringing BIG M and  little m Marketing together  Marketing defined  Identifying and anticipating customer needs  Being profitable6  The Map  Dreamers  Mm Winners  Doers  Duds  BIO M, little m Companies in Asia Today  Trends and the Future7 Eight Signposts to Success  EAT THE ELEPHANT ONE BITE AT A TIME  UNDERPROMISE AND OVER DELIVER  EMBRACE YOUR WEAKNESSES  THE VISION THING  MOVE UPSTREAM  GO, GO, GO!  IT'S THE CUSTOMER, STUPID  STEAL THE WHEEL!8 Navigation Tools  BIG M, little m Marketing Orienteering  BIG M Marketing Tools - The Keys to  Competitive Advantage  little m Marketing Toolbox  BIG M, little m Integration Check  See What the Rest of the World Is Doing9 Afte rword10 Sources and Notes  Companies mentioned in this book  Sources and Notes  Bibliography11 Index



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