
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:吉林长白山  作者:Strumeyer, Gary  页数:514  


Investors who've primarily purchased equity securities in the past have been looking for more secure investment alternatives; namely, fixed income securities. This book demystifies the sometimes daunting fixed income market, through a user-friendly, sophisticated, yet not overly mathematical format. Investing in Fixed Income Securities covers a wide range of topics, including the different types of fixed income securities, their characteristics, the strategies necessary to manage a diversified portfolio, bond pricing concepts, and more, so you can make the most informed investment decisions possible.


Acknowledgments. Chapter 1: An Overview of the Fixed Income Securities Market. Chapter 2: The Basics of Debt Instruments. Chapter 3: Bond Pricing Concepts. Chapter 4: Risks Associated with Bonds. Chapter 5: Macroeconomics and the Bond Market. Chapter 6: Using Economic Variables to Forecast Interest Rates and the Bond Market. Chapter 7: The Yield Curve. Chapter 8: Money Market Instruments. Chapter 9: U.S. Treasury and Government Agency Securities. Chapter 10: Municipal Bonds. Chapter 11: Corporate Bonds. Chapter 12: Emerging Markets. Chapter 13: Distressed Debt Securities. Chapter 14: Mortgage-Backed Securities. Chapter 15: Asset-Backed Securities. Chapter 16: Preferred Stock. Chapter 17: Fixed Income Derivatives: Products and Applications. Chapter 18: Managing a Fixed Income Portfolio. About the Co-Writers. Notes. Index.




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