The Book of Yields: Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing (平装)

出版时间:2004年03月  出版社:John Wiley & Sons (2004年3月15日)  作者:Francis T. Lynch  


"A venerable tool makes the leap to cyberspace—it will have a prominent place on my virtual desktop."
— Culinary Instructor, Keiser University Center for Culinary Arts, Melbourne, FL
"The Book of Yields, Seventh Edition CD-ROM saves me a tremendous amount of time in the kitchen, from computing how much product to buy to ensuring the correct portion size -- no matter how many -- to teaching my students about the details of calculating costs and purchasing. I recommend it to culinary professionals who want to have more accurate costs and tighter controls on purchasing."
— Culinary Consultants, OR
"I have been working with the Book of Yields for several years. This seventh edition CD-ROM is a very useful tool for all chefs, culinary instructors, and students. It is invaluable for costing recipes."
— Department Chair, Polly's Hospitality Institute, GA --This text refers to the CD-ROM edition.



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