This Is Not a Weasel不可两用

出版时间:2003-10  出版社:吉林长白山  作者:Mortenson, Philip B.  页数:272  


How can you tell a buffalo from a bison and a yam from a sweet potato? What happens when a dolphin porpoises? Is it wrong to call a vulture a buzzard, and why are buzzards never called vultures? What's the difference between a frog and a toad, and are crawfish and crayfish really the same? This Is Not a Weasel helps you make sense of the ubiquitous similarities, confounding terminology, and downright misnomers that make plant and animal names so confusing.    This entertaining and highly useful reference takes on a wide-ranging list of monikers for all types of plants and animals. It lays to rest any lingering confusion over the distinctions between seemingly related--yet crucially distinct--terms,such as hare and rabbit; seal and sea lion; moss and lichen; crocodile and alligator;skate and ray; turtle and tortoise; and mink, sable, ferret, ermine, stoat, and weasel. Reviewed by an impressive cadre of experts, this authoritative guide:    Defines and clarifies 240 frequently misapplied plant- and animal-related terms    Covers wild and domestic plants, insects, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals    Debunks common misconceptions and exposes flagrant misuse of terms    Identifies sources of confusion from history, the popular media, and scientific literature    Whether you're a language lover, a nature buff, or just someone who insists on accurate information, you will find this a charming book.


PHILIP B. MORTENSON studied the philosophy of science at the University of Minnesota. This Is Not a Weasel is his first book.


AcknowledgmentsIntroductionI NOMENCLATURE AND TAXONOMY  Nomenclature (Scientific Common)  Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 2 PLANTS  Bulb Corm Tuber Root  Corn Maize  Evergreen Deciduous Broadleaf Coniferous  Fruit Vegetable  Grass Reed Sedge Rush  Hardwood Softwood  Heath Heather  Mold Mildew  Moss Lichen  Mushroom Toadstool  M uskmelon Cantaloupe  Onion Scallion Shallot Leek  Pine Fir Spruce  Redwood Sequoia  Sap Resin Pitch Gum  Spine Thorn Prickle  Spore Seed  Sweet Potato Yam  Tree Shrub Bush3 TERRESTRIAL INVERTEBRATES  Insect Spider Crustacean  Bee Wasp Hornet Ant  Bug Beetle  Centipede Millipede  Dragonfly Damselfly  Grasshopper Locust Cricket Katydid  Mite Chigger Tick Louse  Butterfly Moth Skipper  Caterpillar Grub Larva Maggot Nymph4 AQUATIC LIFE  Clam Oyster Mussel Scallop Bivalve Lampshell  Flounder Halibut Turbot Sole  Herring Sardine Pilchard Anchovy  Lobster Crayfish Crawfish Scampi  Marlin Swordfish Sailfish Spearfish  Minnows Suckers Other Small Fish  Sharks Other Fish  Shrimp Prawn Krill  Skate Ray Shark  Squid Octopus Cuttlefish5 AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES6 BIRDS7 MAMMALSNotesBibliographyIndex



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