
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Allen, Judy  页数:246  


Recent years have been tough on event planners and the special events industry. September 11, major economic downturns, wars and SARS have all hit the event planning industry hard. There are fewer corporate dollars than ever to go around for travel budgets and special events. In what was already a highly competitive industry, many planners and companies are struggling for their business survival. This book tells you all you need to know about how to market your event planning business and build a client base - in good times or in bad. Marketing Your Event Planning Business shows event planners and event management companies how to gain the competitive edge by setting themselves apart, pursuing new markets, and soliciting sales. It covers all the vital topics in event planning marketing, including how to:   Diversify your client base   Develop niche markets and areas of expertise   Define and customize your customer service   Establish a back-up plan for use during downturns   Solicit sales and develop new business   Market yourself within your company and in the industry   Set up your own event planning business   Marketing Your Event Planning Business is loaded with practical tips and examples, offering everyone in the event management business creative new ways to showcase their talents, build their business and bring added value to their clients. An   indispensable tool for:   event planners   event planning management companies   suppliers   public relations, communications, and administrative professionals    professionals in the hospitality, culinary, and travel industries


AcknowledgementsPrefacePART 1: MARKETABILITY Chapter 1.Making Yourself Marketable Chapter 2.Acquiring Areas of Expertise Chapter 3.Creating Your NichePART 2: MARKET DEVELOPMENT Chapter 4.Defining Your Objective: Who Is Your Client?  Chapter 5.Targeting Your Talents Chapter 6.Customizing Customer Service RequirementsPART 3: MARKETING ENDEAVORS Chapter 7.Marketing to Your Audience Chapter 8.Soliciting Sales: Innovative Ideas Chapter 9.The Value of Diversification Chapter 10.Going Out on Your Own: Costs and BenefitsConclusionAppendix A: Leading Internationally Recognized Industry CertificationsAppendix B: Industry Associations and CouncilsAppendix C: Industry Magazines, Books, Online Publications and ResourcesAppendix D: Industry Conferences, Congresses, Trade shows and Award ShowsAppendix E: Sample Creative ConceptsSample A: Concept for Corporate Event Sample B: Concept for a Fundraising EventSample C: Concept for a Theme EventIndex



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