
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:本社 编  页数:650  


Reflecting the growing international importance of the Asian region to the multicultural societies of Australia and New Zealand,the third edition of this best-selling Australasian introductory management text includes a significant increase in the number of Asian case examples used to illustrate key concepts.


Chapter 1   The dynamic new workplaceChapter 2   Environment and diversityChapter 3   Information and decision makingChapter 4   Historical foundations of managementChapter 5   Global dimensions of managementChapter 6   Ethical behaviour and social responsibilityChapter 7   Planning and controllingChapter 8   Strategic managementChapter 9   Entrepreneurship and new venturesChapter 10  OrganisingChapter 11  Organisational design and work processesChapter 12  Human resource managementChapter 13  LeadingChapter 14  Motivation and rewardsChapter 15  Individuals, job design and stressChapter 16  Teams and teamworkChapter 17  Communication and interpersonal skillsChapter 18  Change leadershipCAREER READINESS workbookAssignment writingResearch and presentation projectsExercises in teamworkManagement skills assessments



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