Strategic Management of E-Business 电子商务的战略管理

出版时间:2003-12  作者:Mckay  页数:370  


Strategic Management of eBusiness discusses the role and value of the strategic management of e-business.It is written from a post-dotcom crash perspective and presents and organisational focus on the use of e-business and its company s business activities, existing business networks and supply chains,managing and improving customer relationships, and enhancing the company's financial performance.   This new book provides students with the necessary strategies and models foridentifying, planning, implementing and managing successful e-business initiatives.The text is aimed at students of information technology, e-business and management.It provides a holistic corporate view of e-business and the need for the various business units to work together to achieve specific business initiatives.


Dr Judy McKay has a PhD from the University of Queensland. She is currently in
the School of Information Management and Systems in the Faculty of Information
Technology at Monash University. Judy teaches e-commerce and IT management to
MBA students and


PrefaceAbout the authorsAcknowledgementsCHAPTER 1 Introduction  Introduction  Defining e-commerce and e-business    Issues to consider regarding e-commerceand e-business  E-business: new phenomenon or natural progression?  Perspectives on e-commerce and e-business    Classification of organisational types and e-commerce  Business uses of the Internet    Stage 1: no presence    Stage 2: static online presence    Stage 3: interactive online presence    Stage 4: electronic commerce    Stage 5: internal integration    Stage 6: external integration  Potential costs and benefits of e-commerce  thinking strategically: The florist's dilemma: adopt e-commerce or not?  Determinants of e-commerce and    e-business success    Profitability    Planning    Re-engineering of processes    Management of knowledge resources    Developing and sourcing capabilities    Proactive uptake of technologies     IT and e-business governance processes  Summary  key terms  discussion questions  note  suggested reading  referencesCHAPTER 2 Adopting appropriate e-business models  Introduction    What is a business model?    Customer management    Product and service portfolio    Processes and activities    Resources, capabilities and assets    Suppliers and business networks    Financial viability    thinking strategically: The importance of understanding your business model  Examples of business models    The Direct-to-Customer model    The Intermediary model    Components of the business model framework    The Content Provider model  Implications for managers  Conclusion  hey terms  discussion questions  suggested reading  references  case study: Stories from the Bush and Surf-an e-business adventureCHAPTER 3 E-business strategy formulationCHAPTER 4 E-business strategy for small and medium-sized enterprisesCHAPTER 5 Organisational tranformation enabled by information technology and the InternetCHAPTER 6 Transforming external relationship with suppliersCHAPTER 7 Transforming external relation ships with customersCHAPTER 8 Strategies for managing information and knowledge in e-businessCHAPTER 9 Strategic sourcing of resources,capabilities and competenciesCHAPTER 10 E-business and strategic business networksCHAPTER 11 Mobile computingCHAPTER 12 IT governance:delivering value from e-businessIndex



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  •   e-business在国外已经发展得比较成熟,国内相对而言,只有少数的一些大型企业可以算得上应用了电子商务,而并非所谓的网上购物,有兴趣可以看看,全英文的教材不一定需要很强悍的英语水平,理解和思考更重要。

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