求职与跳槽指南Job Hunting and Career Change All-In-One For Dummies

出版时间:1970-1  作者:Strachan, Donald  页数:528  


This hands-on guide takes you through every aspect of finding andsecuring the job you want. From searching for vacancies through topreparing for the interview and making a strong impression, this bookhas it covered. Key personal development techniques, such as Neuro-linguistic Programming, are featured alongside specific job-huntingadvice, helping you to develop a winning mindset and foster skills totake with you into your new career.


IntroductionBook I: Plotting a Course: your Job And Career Plans ..  Chapter 1: Assessing Career and Work..  Chapter 2: Getting Motivated.  Chapter 3: Demonstrating Confidence in the Workplace  Chapter 4: Asking Yourself the Right QuestionsBook II: Showcasing yourself with a StandOut CV.  Chapter 1: CVs and the Changing World of Recruitment  Chapter 2: Getting Your CV Out There  Chapter 3: Choosing the Right Format  Chapter 4: Contents that Make a Difference  Chapter 5: Winning with Words  Chapter 6: Overcoming Deadly Dilemmas  Chapter 7: Moving from Worksheets to Your Finished CV  Chapter 8: A Sampling of StandOut CVsBook III: Succeeding at Interviews  Chapter 1: Understanding What Interviewers Want  Chapter 2: Polishing Your Performance  Chapter 3: Preparing Great Questions  Chapter 4: Talking about Yourself and Others..  Chapter 5: Getting to Grips with Questions about Your Work  Chapter 6: Talking about Why You Want a New Job  Chapter 7: Thriving Under the Pressure Interview  Chapter 8: Handling Hypothetical and Analytical Questions  Chapter 9: Succeeding at Competency-Based Interviewing  Chapter 10: Taking Control in Unusual Situations



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