企业规划与公司治理中市场总监的角色The Marketing Director's Role in Business Planning and Corporate Governance

出版时间:2008-1  作者:Gerald Michaluk  页数:296  


Corporate governance is a hot topic, as is the need for marketing to operate at board level. But no-one has yet brought the two issues together. This book changes that. Gerald MichIaluk builds on the latest research to help marketing directors incorporate marketing systems and best practice into a board’s decision-making process.   Michaluk outlines marketing’s key role in alerting the board to market conditions that merit adjustment of the corporate strategy, thus ensuring that strategy is based on sound intelligence and grounded in market reality. The book is illustrated with examples from a host of top companies, as well as interviews with their CEOs and CMOs.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACRONYMS USED IN THE TEXT 1 BOARD LEVEL IMPLICATIONS  The role of the board of directors  The marketing director as a leader  Types of director  The managing director  With great risk there has to be great rewards  Company minutes and resolutions  Summary 2 WHO DO WE SERVE AS DIRECTORS?  Surveying the organisation  Publics maps  Company stakeholders  Growth in consumerism  The big picture  Summary 3 THE TOOLS AND AIDS AVAILABLE TO THE MARKETING DIRECTOR  Time management  Assistants  The marketing director’s primary areas of responsibility  Information and its value  Knowledge security  Marketing intelligence  Summary 4 MARKETING ADVANTAGE FROM TOP DOWN AND BOTTOM UP  Leadership and leading by example  C4IRS  Communications and command  Control  Intelligence  Surveillance  Reconnaissance  McKinsey’s 7-S model  All together  The open mind  Breakthrough marketing  Summary 5 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RISK ASSESSMENT  The FRC Code of Conduct  What’s it all worth?  Does anyone comply?  Risk  Summary 6 INNOVATION AND BUSINESS PLANNING RESEARCH  Chicken or egg?  Unique selling proposition  Incremental improvements  Traditional market research  Validity and reliability  Access to information  Summary 7 BUSINESS PLANNING PROCESS  Corporate vision mission and values  How long should you spend on business planning?  STORM The board’s role 8 BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE  The ABCD–WOW of benchmarking  Project planning  Summary 9 CORPORATE SYSTEMS TO AID MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL  On Demand  Relationship systems  Summary 10 BOARDROOM POLITICS: “ONLY THE PARANOID SURVIVE”  Boardroom threats  Knowledge is power  Standard protection mechanisms  Risk takers  Summary 11 THE STOCK MARKET  The role of finance  Shareholders Profit and loss accounts and balance sheets  Gearing  Investor evaluation of your stock  Summary 12 FLOTATION AND BEYOND  To float or not to float?  Summary 13 SHAREHOLDER VALUE  Return on investment  The old military model of selection  Summary 14 COMPETENCE, INTEGRITY, HONOUR AND TRUST  The director’s role APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 GLOSSARY OF MARKETING TERMS BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX



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