Pfeiffer 成功领导发展工具The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Leadership Development Tools

出版时间:2007-10  作者:Gordon, Jack (EDT)  页数:435  


The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Leadership Development Tools is organized into three sections: Presentations and Discussions (articles); Experiential Learning Activities; and Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys. These selections represent the all-time best the Pfeiffer Annuals and Handbooks have to offer on the topic. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Leadership Development Tools   Includes an overview of management theorists who have shaped modern thought about organizations and leadership   Contains complete, ready-made training exercises designed to meet a variety of needs for different audiences   Offers inventories that include questionnaires and instruments that help people clarify their own beliefs about leadership


How to Use This ResourceAbout the EditorIntroductionPART 1: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION RESOURCES 1. Leadership Is in the Eye of the Follower   James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner 2. Leadership as Persuasion and Adaptation    Julia T. Wood  3. Leadership from the Gestalt Perspective    H.B. Kanp  4. An Overview ofTen Management and Organizational    Theorists    Marshall Sashkin  5. McGregor's Theory X-Theory Y Model    Albert J. Robinson  6. Impact at Ground Zero: Where Theory Meets Practice    Patrick Doyle and C.R Tindal  7. A Model for the Executive Management of    Transformational Change    Richard Beckhard  8. Visionary's Disease and the CEO     George M. Smart, Jr.PART 2: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES  Style and Approach  1. Choose Me: Developing Power Within a Group    Larry Porter  2. Successful Leadership Traits: Reaching Consensus    Robert Alan Black  3. Motivation: A Feedback Activity    Donald F. Michalak  4. Management Skills: Assessing Personal Performance    CarolJ. Levin  5. Leadership History: Searching the Past for Insight    Frank A. Prince  6. Management Perspectives: Identifying Styles    Patrick Doyle    Organizations and Systems  7. MACE: Demonstrating Factors that Affect Performance    Stephen Dakin and Russell Robb  8. Organizational Structures: A Simulation    Rudi E. Weber  9. There's Never Time to Do It Right: A Relay Task    RusseUJ. Denz  10. The Flip-It Company: Exploring the Impact of Work Quotas    James L. Costigan  11. The Robotics Decision: Solving Strategic Problems    Charles H. Smith  12. Reviewing Objectives and Strategies:    A Planning Task for Managers    Cyril R. Mill    Skill Building  13. Feedback Awareness: Skill Building for Supervisors    Robert William Lucas  14. Delegation: Using Time and Resources Effectively    Michael N. O'Malley and Catherine M. T. Lombardozzi  15. Constructive Discipline: Following Organizational Guidelines    Allen J. Schuh  16. Vice President's In-Basket: A Management Activity    Annette N. Shelby……PART 3:INENTORIES,QUESTIONNAIRES,AND SURVEYS



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