
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Alan Dershowitz  页数:244  


The #1 New York Times bestselling author, Harvard Law School professor, and tireless defender of civil liberties unearths a little-known letter by his hero, Thomas Jefferson, and shares its secrets. The letter illuminates Jefferson’s views on freedom of speech in a way that has important implications for the country today, particularly in the struggle against terrorism. This book is about the remarkable letter Dershowitz found, how he found it, and why it matters not only to him, but to us today.


Foreword. Acknowledgments. Part I: The Collector and His Passions.  Chapter I: My Passion for Collecting.  Chapter II: My Passions for Freedom of Speech, Criminal Law and Thomas Jefferson. Part 2: The Letter.  Chapter III: Finding the Jefferson Letter.  Chapter IV: The Provenance of the Jefferson-Broadman Letter. Part 3: My Letter to Jefferson.  Chapter V: Where we have come since 1826.  Chapter VI: Jefferson's First Argument: An Expressed Opinion Can Never Constitute An Overt Act.  Chapter VII: Jefferson's Second Argument: If Conscience Is the Umpire Then Each Judge's Conscience Will Govern.  Chapter VIII: Jefferson's Third Argumen: "We Have Nothing To Fear From The Demoralizing Reasonings Of Some, If Others Are Left Free To Demonstrate Their Errors". Chaper IX: Jefferson's Fourth Argument: "The law stands ready to punish the first criminal act produced by the falsereasoning".  Chapter X: Jefferson's Fifth Argument. Part 4: What Would Jefferson Say About Terrorism And Speech Today?  Chapter XI: Jefferson's Views On The "Terrorism" Of His Era.  Chapter XII: Jefferson's Actions in the Burr Case.  Chapter XIII: Jefferson's Views on Torture, Habeus Corpus and Other Issues Currently Debated in the Context of Terrorism.  Chapter XIV: How Would Jefferson Strike the Balance Between Freedom of Speech and Prevention of Terrorism?  Chapter XV: My View, as Influenced by Jefferson and the Experiences of Our Time.Notes. Index.




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