骑手坐骑指南The Rider's Fitness Guide to a Better Seat

出版时间:2007-10  作者:Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt LMT  页数:160  


More than six million people in the U.S. ride horses, and many riders at all levels suffer from chronic back pain. Complete with photos and illustrations, this spiral-bound, take-anywhere book prescribes a unique core muscle workout with three progressive, easy-to-follow exercise routines to help riders develop a balanced and aligned body with strong core muscles to secure spinal alignment and stability. Riders minimize the risk of injury, maximize performance, eliminate back pain and post-riding soreness, and have a more pleasurable riding experience. Readers can take each of the exercise routines anywhere on three gatefold, tear-out posters.


List of Figures. Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction. 1. Components of a Good Seat.  Developing a Good Seat.  Finding Your Center of Gravity.  Finding Your Center of Gravity:The Rocking Exercise.  Maintaining Your Balance with the Horse.  Achieving Symmetry and Balance in Riding.  Conclusion. 2. Human Anatomy.  Skeleton.  Musculature.  The Core Muscles. 3. Proper Breathing Techniques.  Breathing Muscles.  Taking a Full Breath.  Strengthening Breathing Exercises.  The Full Breath Exercise.  The Diaphragm Breathing Exercise.  Breathing and Body Alignment. 4. Postural Alignment Self-Tests.  First Self-Test:The Standing Test.  Evaluating Your Overall Body Alignment.  Checking Your Lower Back Alignment.  Evaluating the Alignment of Specific Body Parts.  Second Self-Test:The Walking Test. 5. Stretching Tips and Suggestions.  Benefits of Regular Stretching.  Physical Benefits.  Cerebral Benefits.  When to Stretch.  The Stretch Reflex.  What to Stretch.  How to Stretch.  The Easy Stretch.  The Deeper Stretch.  Mentally Counting a Stretch.  Overall Benefits of Stretching. 6. Exercise Tips and Suggestions.  Benefits of Regular Exercise.  When to Exercise.  How to Exercise.  Staying Focused When You Exercise.  Physical Benefits of Exercise. 7. Warm-Up Exercises.  Walking on the Spot Exercise.  Starting Position.  The Exercise.  Advanced Version of Walking on the Spot Exercise.  Scissor Feet Exercise.  Starting Position.  The Exercise.  Arm Twist Exercise.  Starting Position.  The Exercise.  Advanced Version of Arm Twist Exercise.  Conclusion. 8. Core Muscle Exercises and Stretches.  Strengthening Exercises for the Core Muscles.  Abdominal Muscles Exercise.  Advanced Version of Abdominal Muscles Exercise.  Back Muscles Exercise.  Stretches for the Core Muscles.  Abdominal Muscles Stretch.  Back Muscles Stretch. 9. Upper Body Exercises and Stretches. 10. Lower Body Exercises and Stretches. 11. General Coordination Exercises. 12. Beginning Exercise Program: The First 10 Days. 13. Intermediate Exercise Program: The Next 20 Days. 14. Advanced Exercise Program: Ongoing (Maintenance) Period. 15. Preventing Soreness. 16. Conclusion. Appendix: Suggested Readings. Books. Index. About the Author. About Massage Awareness. Take-along Exercise Guides.



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