
出版时间:2007-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:John T. Molloy  页数:306  


If you approach tests with trepidation because you are concerned about your proficiency with abstruse words, this book will help you master vocabulary words with celerity, brandish them impressively, and achieve a quantum increase in your score.   Vocabulary Puzzles helps you learn more than 300 key vocabulary words to help you score higher on the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, or other standardized tests. It incorporates a variety of vocabulary-acquisition tools, including crossword puzzles, matching-column exercises, and sample sentence fill-ins. There are even flashcards for all the words so you can review them anytime, anywhere. Based on proven strategies that facilitate learning, this book goes beyond rote memorization for test-taking to help you build a more sophisticated, permanent, and useful vocabulary that will enable you to do well in college, in business, and in life. The goal is to help you own words so you can use them comfortably and confidently.


Introduction.You Must Read This Before Starting. Part 1: Learning Definitions and Using Words in Context. Puzzle 1.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 2.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 3.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 4.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 5.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 6. Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 7.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 8. Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 9.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 10.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 11.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 12.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 13.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 14.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Puzzle 15.  Step 1: Crossword Puzzle.  Step 2: Matching Columns.  Step 3: Write Sentences. Crossword Puzzle Solutions.  Puzzle 1.  Puzzle 2.  Puzzle 3.  Puzzle 4.  Puzzle 5.  Puzzle 6.  Puzzle 7.  Puzzle 8.  Puzzle 9.  Puzzle 10.  Puzzle 11.  Puzzle 12.  Puzzle 13.  Puzzle 14.  Puzzle 15. Part 2: Overstudying.  Matching Columns Set 2. Part 3: Vocabulary Flashcards.  After the Test.



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