出版时间:2007-02-05 出版社:For Dummies 作者:Robert Kao,Dante Sarigumba,Marie-Claude Kao,Yosma Sarigumba 页数:214
It's a fact — your BlackBerry Pearl can do almost anything except bake a pie — but you can use it to e-mail a recipe! This friendly guide is just what you need to get the scoop on the Pearl's entire repertoire. Keep your calendar, make phone calls, organize your phone book, take photos, play music and video — here's how! 作者简介: Robert Kao is one well-rounded professional. His ability to translate his technical knowledge and communicate in many languages with users of all types inevitably led him to develop BlackBerry applications for various financial firms in New York City — that truly global city. A graduate of Columbia University — with a Computer Engineering degree, of course –– he currently lives in Somerset, New Jersey.
Introduction About This Book Who Are You? What's in This Book Part Ⅰ: Meet and Greet Your BlackBerry Pearl Part Ⅱ: Getting Organized with Your Pearl Part Ⅲ: Getting Multimedia and Online with Your Pearl Part Ⅳ: Working with Desktop Manager Part Ⅴ: The Part of Tens Icons in This Book Where to Go from HerePart 1: Meet and Greet your BlackBerry Pearl Chapter 1: Your BlackBerry Is Not an Edible Fruit Knowing Your BlackBerry History How It Works: The Schematic Approach The role of the network service provider Connecting to your personal computer Doing the BlackBerry world-traveler thing Oh, the Things You Can Do! All-in-one multimedia center Internet at your fingertips Me and my great personal assistant Me and my chatty self Look, Dad, no hands! Final BlackBerry Tidbits Power efficiency Memory management A sentry is always on duty Chapter 2: Navigating the Pearl Anatomy 101 Display screen SureType keyboard Escape key Trackball — a.k.a, the Pearl Menu key MicroSD slot Navigation Guidelines Switching applications Changing options Chapter 3: Turning On Your BlackBerry Pearl(and Keeping It Happy) Making Your BlackBerry Pearl Yours Branding your BlackBerry Pearl Choose a language, any language, Typing with ease using AutoText Inserting macros Getting your dates and times lined up Customizing your screen's look and feel Tuning Pearl navigation Choosing themes for your BlackBerry Wallpaper for your BlackBerry Let freedom ring Power Usage and Consumption Keeping Your BlackBerry Safe Who Ya Gonna Call (When Your BlackBerry Pearl Breaks)?Part Ⅱ: Getting Organized with your Pearl Chapter 4: Remembering and Locating Your Acquaintances Accessing Your Address Book Working with Address Book Names Creating a new contact Adding contacts from other BlackBerry applications Viewing a contact Editing a contact Deleting a contact Looking for Someone? Organizing Your Contacts Creating a group Using the Filter feature on your contacts Setting preferences Locating a Contact Using Maps Chapter 5: Never Miss Another Appointment Accessing the BlackBerry Pearl Calendar Choosing Your Calendar View Moving between Time Frames ……Chapter 6: Making Notes and Keeping Your WordsPart Ⅲ: Getting Multimedia and Going Online with Your PearlChapter 7: You’ve Got (Lots of) E-MailChapter 8: Too Cool for E-MailChapter 9: Surfing the Internet WaveChapter 10: Calling Your Favorite PersonChapter 11: Taking Great Pictures with Your PearlChapter 12: Satisfy All Your Senses with the Media PlayerPart Ⅳ: Working with Desktop ManagerChapter 13: Synching the Synchronize WayChapter 14: Protecting Your InformationChapter 15: Using Your Pearl as a Portable Flash DrivePart Ⅴ: The Part of TensChapter 16: Ten Great BlackBerry AccessoriesChapter 17: Ten Must-Have BlackBerry Pearl ProgramsIndex
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