美国的肥胖经济 The Fattening of America

出版时间:2008-1  出版社:Oxford University Press USA  作者:Eric A. Finkelstein  页数:274  


In The Fattening of America, renowned health economist Eric Finkelstein, along with business writer Laurie Zuckerman, reveal how the U.S. economy has become the driving force behind our expanding waistlines. Blending theory, research, and engaging personal anecdotes the authors discuss how declining food costs—especially for high-calorie, low-nutrient foods—and an increasing usage of technology, which make Americans more sedentary, has essentially led us to eat more calories than we burn off.


Introduction: Answering the Age-Old Question: Why Is Uncle Al So Fat? Chapter 1 Craze or Crisis?   So Why Now?   My Soccer Team Eats Oranges    So How about Adults? Are We Gaining, Too?   A Growing Waistline Can Be Bad for Your Health    But Are We the Only Ones Gaining Weight?   The Longer You Stay, the Bigger You Get  Chapter 2 I’ll Take a Deep-Fried Coca-Cola    First Things First    Cheap Food Gets Cheaper    The Rise of French-Fried Potatoes    Please Pass the High-Fructose Corn Syrup    A Full Pound of Sausage, Bacon, and Ham: Have a Meaty Morning    Too Much of a Good Thing    Kids Are Also Drinking the Kool-Aid    When Is Enough Enough? Chapter 3 Why We’re Moving Less (Hint: It’s Not Just the La-Z-Boy)    But I Don’t Have Time!   Not Quite the Jetsons, But           Just Be a Marathon Runner    We’re Not Farmers Anymore    Sprawling Out    Our Kids Are Also Slowing Down    Wrapping It Up  Chapter 4 So Where Else Can We Lay the Blame?   Blame Mom and Dad    Then Just Blame Mom (You Know You Will Anyway)    Blame the Meds    Blame the Cigs (One More Theory Goes Up in Smoke)    Blame the All-Nighter    Blame the Air Conditioner (Not Cool)    Blame Pollution (It’s a Dirty Business)    Blame That Nasty “Fat Bug”    It’s the Economy, Stupid  Chapter 5 Beware: Moral Hazard    Just Bill My Health Insurance    Is Obesity as Bad as It Used to Be?   Just Take a Pill or Get a Procedure  Chapter 6 So We’re Fat—Who Cares?   Is Uncle Al Overweight?   C’mon Now, We’re Only Utility Maximizing    Now, Let’s Tear This Argument Apart (and Put It Back Together)    So Should Dad (and the Government) Care that Uncle Al Is Obese?   Just Follow the Money  Chapter 7 The Role of Government    Market Failures    Externalities    Market Power    Public Goods    Obesity and National Defense    Imperfect (Asymmetric) Information    Is There a Role for Government? Chapter 8 Weighing the Public Policy Issues (for Adults)    Equity    Irrationality    Compelling Public Need    Revisiting Past Policy    The Road Ahead    Summing Up  Chapter 9 Weighing the Public Policy Issues (for Kids)    First, a Step Back    Child Abuse?   School-Based Regulations    Your Mouth Will Really Groove    In Closing  Chapter 10 The Employer’s Dilemma    Why Don’t Businesses Invest More in the Health of Their Workforce?   The Dirty Secret about Employee Wellness Programs    So What’s an Employer to Do?   Could These Programs Get Me in Legal Hot Water? Chapter 11 The ObesEconomy    Just How Big Is the Weight-Loss Industry?   Just Take a Pill    Bigger and Better    Invest in New Technology    In the Name of Progress  Chapter 12 How to Lose Weight Like an Economist    Economic Weight-Loss Techniques    A Few More Secrets to Success    Conclusion    Notes    About the Authors  Index




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