
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Holden, Greg  页数:253  


  While some people still have doubts about making money online,those in the know continue to take advantage of the profitable opportunities that the Internet has to offer.  After making one million dollars through paid search marketing and affiliate advertising in his first full year of operations,author Anthony Borelli quickly realized how effective this online endeavor could be.And now,with Affiliate Millions,Borelli wants to share with you his secrets for exploiting this underutilized and often overlooked strategy.  The practice of search marketing and affiliate advertising is simple,but in order to generate a substantial income,the proper execution can be complex.To gain a complete understanding of how it all works,there's no better guide than Anthony Borelli-a 9-to-5 corporate employee-turned-entrepreneur who has stepped into every pitfall and found every trick of the trade on his way to the top of this business.  With the help of coauthor Greg Holden,Borelli will show you how to make thousands,and eventually tens of thousands,of dollars each month in resulting commissions by carefully following a straightforward process that has proven itself time and again.Divided into three comprehensive sections-Getting Started,Launching Your Advertising Campaign,and Managing Your Advertising Campaign-Affiliate Millions will:   Introduce you to the concept of affiliate advertising-which is the revenue side of this whole process-and then discuss how search marketing can be used to make affiliate advertising more profitable than you might ever have imagined   Show you how to join affiliate networks as well as the affiliate programs you want to promote;find one or more search and content networks to run your affiliate ads on;and create your own ad campaigns   Help you monitor and fine-tune an ad campaign's performance in order to maximize your total returns   The steps required to become a successful affiliate advertiser and search marketer are well within the reach of anyone,regardless of their prior business experience.The building blocks you need to create this type of business are already online and waiting for you to take advantage of them.All you need is some time,a computer connected to the Internet,and the good advice found within these pages.  作者简介:  ANTHONY BORELLI made the move from corporate employee to self-employed affiliate marketer in late 2004.He joined several companies' affiliate programs and immediately began paying for and placing ads on their behalf with Google and other well-traveled search engines,In only his first full year of business(2005).he made over a million dollars on Google as a search marketer and affiliate advertiser.and repeated this performance in 2006.Borelli has acquired vast experience in composing ads,evaluating results,and maximizing profits.and is eager to lead other entrepreneurs to the same kind of success.


IntroductionAbout the AuthorsPart I Getting Started 1 How to Make Millions on Google and Other Search Engines:My lO-Step Approach  A Little History  My 10 Steps to Becoming an Affiliate Millionaire  My Message to You:Have Faith in Yourself 2 Learning about Affiliate Advertising  Getting Up to Speed  How Do l Get Started? 3 Learning about Search Marketing  Who Are Search Marketers?  What Is Search Marketing?  What Are Search and Content Networks?  What Are My Search Marketing Options?  Why Use Search Marketing to Promote Affiliate Programs?Part II Launching Your Advertising Campaign 4 Joining Affiliate Networks  How to Join Affiliate Networks 5 Joining Affiliate Programs  What to Look For in an Affiliate Program  Identifying and Joining the Right Affiliate Programs 6 Creating Search Marketing Campaigns  Steps to Create a Campaign  Join Google AdWords and Create a Campaign  Join MSN adCenter and Create a Campaign 7 Reporting  Affiliate Reporting  Search Reporting  Comparing the Results 8 Affiliate Advertising for Web Pages  Why Create a Web Site?  How Do I Start?  Web Sites That Can Use Affiliate Advertisements  What Types of Ads Can I Place?  Where Can I Get These Advertisements?  Where and When Should I Place These Ads?  Affiliate Ads as Your Primary Web Site Revenue  Designing a Web Site  Using Search Engine Optimization to Market Your SitePART III MANAGING YOUR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 9 Performance Monitoring and Tuning  Why Monitor Performance?  Performance Monitoring  Performance Tuning 10 Dealing with Mistakes  Common Mistakes  Learning from Mistakes 11 Growing Your Business:A Call to Action  Searching for New Opportunities  Reinvesting Profits to Support Future Growth  The Affiliate Millions Web Site 12 Working at Home:Legal and Tax Requirements  Self-Employment and Owning Your Own Business  Licensing and Legal Considerations  Taxes and Accounting  Finding SpaceAppendix:Affiliate Advertising ResourcesGlossaryIndex




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