出版时间:2006-11  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Kennedy, Diane/ De Roos, Dolf  页数:246  


This guide from bestselling real estate authors de Roos and Kennedy shows you how to use tax-free retirement funds to invest in real estate. Using real estate IRAs, you can combine the tax benefits of retirement funds with the high rates of appreciation in the real estate market, growing your retirement investments by leaps and bounds. This handy book shows you how.


PrefaceIntroduction: The Secret Financial Planners Don’t Want You to KnowSECTION ONE: Why Traditional Thinking Isn’t Going to Work Anymore  CHAPTER 1 Why Some Retirement Plans Are Failing  CHAPTER 2 How Much Is Enough?  CHAPTER 3 Another Ticking Tax BombSECTION TWO: Alternative Plans for Work and Retirement  CHAPTER 4 Getting Rich in Today’s World  CHAPTER 5 Saving for Retirement  CHAPTER 6 New Strategies for New PlansSECTION T HREE: Putting Your Money to Work  CHAPTER 7 More Secrets Your Financial Planner Never Told You  CHAPTER 8 Distributions from Your Pension FundSECTION FOUR: Strategies to Make Your Money Work Even Harder with Less Effort  CHAPTER 9 The IRA or Tax-Free LLC: Control from a Distance  CHAPTER 10 The Nuts and Bolts of Setting Up, Maintaining, and Running Your IRA or Tax-Free LLCSECTION FIVE: Tricks and Traps of Leverage  CHAPTER 11 Leveraging Your Money  CHAPTER 12 The Consequences of LeveragingSECTION SIX: Business Tips,Real Estate Flips, and Power Trips  CHAPTER 13 What Kind of Real Estate Should You Buy (and How Do You Find It)?  CHAPTER 14 What Kind of Businesses Should You Buy (and How Do You Do It)?  CHAPTER 15 Investing beyond Our BordersSECTION SEVEN: It’s Never Too Late  CHAPTER 16 What If You’re 40+ and Have No Pension?  CHAPTER 17 What If You’ve Got All Your Money Tied Up in a Traditional 401(k)?  CHAPTER 18 Is Real Estate Over?ConclusionFrequently Asked QuestionsIndex  Meet Diane Kennedy  Meet Dolf de Roos




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