出版时间:2006-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Ford, Elise Hartman  页数:304  


Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer.    * Insider tips on everything from how to get a parking space near the Mall to how to eat in the Senate Dining Room.    * Outspoken opinions on what's worth your time and what's not.    * Exact prices, so you can plan the perfect trip whatever your budget.    * Off-the-beaten-path experiences and undiscovered gems, plus new takes on top attractions.    Find great deals and book your trip at


List of MapsWhat s New in Washington D C1  The Best of Washington DC  1 The Most Unforgettable Travel Experiences  2 The Best Splurge Hotels  3 The Best Moderately Priced Hotels  4 The Most Unforgttable Dining Experiences  5 The Bes Things to Do for Free  6 The Best Outdoor Actwistes  7 The Best Neighborhoods for Getting Lost   8 The Best Places to Hang with the locals  9 THe Bes Offbeat Expeineces2  Planning Your Trip to Washington D C  1 Visitor Information  2 Entry Requirements & Customs  3 Money  4 When to Go   5 Travel Insurance  6 Health & Satfety  7 Specialized Resources3  Suggested Washington D C Itineraries  1 The Best of Washing ton in 1 Day   2 The Best of Washing ton in 2 Days  3 The Best of Washing ton in 3 Days4  Getting to Know Washington D C  1 Orienation  2 Getting Around5  Where to Stay  1 Best Hotel Bets  2 Capitol Hill/The Mall  3 Penn @uarter  4 Midtown  5 Adams-Morgan  6 Dupont Circle  7 Foggy Bottom/West End  8 Geogrgtown  9 Woodley Park6  Where to Dine  1 Best Dining Bets  2 Restaurants by Cuisine  3 Capitol Hill  4 Downtwn Penn Quarter  5 Midtown  6 U Street Corridor  7 Adams-Morgan  ……7  Exploring Washington D C8  Shopping9  Washington D C After Dark10  Side Trips from Washington D CIndex



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  •   agoodbook,exceptforalittleexpensive.

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