
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:de Hann, Erik  


The history of consulting dates back to the original ‘intervention’ of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and today's consultants have just as dubious a reputation. They are tempted by flattery and over-assessment of their abilities, and run the risks of uncertainty, responsibility without authority and loss of control. In order to steer a middle course, they must understand their own intention as consultants. Fearless Consulting clearly demonstrates that, in spite of the many risks and temptations, consultants can approach their profession and clients fearlessly, and offers a range of philosophical inspirations for readers as well as specific intervention models and practical methodologies.


Erik de Haan works is the director of Ashridge ’s Centre for Coaching and a senior organisation development consultant for Ashridge Consulting near London. Before joining Ashridge Consulting in 2002, he studied Theoretical Physics in Amsterdam,gained his


ForewordPrefacePrologue: Characteristics of Consulting1 Characteristics of the Entry2 The Entry and Fearless Speech  Communicating advice  Four forms of argumentation  Forms of argumentation for consultants  The fearless consultant  Fearless speech under pressure  Conclusion3 Characteristics of Joint Problem Formulation4 Problem Formulation and Irony  Ambiguous communication  What is irony?  Two divine examples of irony  The ironic consultant  Irony as an instrument for change  Irony and the concept of fate  Conclusion5 Characteristics of Intervening6 Intervening and Power  Intervening means stepping in  The focus of interventions  The art of intervening  The powerless consultant  Conclusion7 Characteristics of Consolidating8 Consolidating and responsibility  The responsibility of the consultant  Why does anything come about?  Authority and responsibility  The non-responsible consultant  Conclusion9 Characteristics of Departure and letting go10 letting go and Tragic Consulting  The consultant as committed outsider  The chorus in Greek tragedy   The tragic consultant  What pleasure does a tragedy give?  ConclusionEpilogue: Twenty Minutes in the life of a Consultant  The invitation  Observations prior to the conversation  The conversation as it took place  The conversation as it did not take place  Observations following the conversation  The follow-up conversationAppendix AAppendix BReferencesIndex



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