
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Sims, Michael  页数:203  


  Change is afoot in the nature of the relationships between creative agencies and their clients. On one hand, clients are becoming more experienced and demanding; on the other agencies are increasingly polarized between the big consolidated groups and smaller independents. Yet as more organizations than ever seek like–minded business partners and more agencies throw off the historic mantle of creative aloofness, so a new potential for collaboration between them grows.   Working with Agencies has been written for marketers in client organizations who want to refine their skills in the key areas of selecting an agency, briefing creative work, creative evaluation and developing campaigns together. Mike Sims explores the partnership from both sides, stressing that even the most creative products require a logical approach to communication, and shows how clients can ensure that their relationships deliver synergy, campaign efficiencies and a strong market presence.   In a new landscape the basics of productive cooperation remain: knowledge, trust and a sense of collaborative adventure. This book reveals the inside secrets of how to achieve all three in your own agency relationships – and reap the rewards.


INTRODUCTION1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AGENCIES: CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM Understanding What you Want from an Agency Understanding the Nature of your Organization The Collaborative Spirit: The Essential Ingredient Starting off: on the Right Foot Ensuring that the New Team Works Well Together5 HOW AN AGENCY WORKS BEHIND THE SCENES Understanding how an Agency is Structured  Client Services  Senior Management  Account Planning  The Creative Team  Media/Data  Creative Services  Artwork Studio/Digital Production  Finance Understanding the Creative Development Process  Strategic Planning  Campaign and Creative Briefings  Concept Development  Concept Execution  Production/Distribution3 SELECTING AN AGENCY Preparation Before an Agency Review Working with Third-Party Specialists Guidelines on Agency Search and Selection Meeting the Agency Face-to-Face Post-Pitch Feedback4 BRIEFING AN AGENCY The Value of the Briefing Process The Role of the Different Briefing Stages The Key Elements to the Brief Four Principles for a Good Brief  Understanding the Brand  Achieving Clarity  Maintaining Focus  Creating Surprise The Hotspots of the Brief  The Objective of the Communications  The Customers  The Proposition and Support Developing a Challenging Communications Proposition Creating an Inspiring Briefing5 CHAMPIONING THE CREATIVE PRODUCT6 SMOTHING THE WAY FOR EFFECTIVE CAMPAIGNS7 TAKING CARE OF THE FINANCES OF THE PELATIONSHIP8 DEVELOPING A LONG-TERM RELATIONHSHIPEPILOGUEREFERENCESUSEFUL INFORMATION SOURCESABOT THE AUTHORINDEX



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