出版时间:2004-11 出版社:Perseus Books Group 作者:Gary Matsumoto 页数:362
Vaccine A tells a story of betrayal, of medical arrogance flourishing in the absence of public accountability, shielded by an unquestioning deference to national security. Investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto reveals that thousands of young men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces were subjected to medical experiments that were conducted without their knowledge or consent-and that have put them in grave danger. Not only have military scientists performed unethical experiments on U.S. and British soldiers; not only are they refusing to admit either the experiments or the effects they caused; not only are they continuing to use a deadly substance in experimental vaccines-this substance is being developed for use in vaccines intended for mass immunization around the globe. In an alarming narrative, Vaccine A recounts this scientific tragedy-from the U.S. Army's tradition of medical experimentation on soldiers through to the present, where the consequences of these experimental vaccines, if administered to civilians, will be unimaginably devastating.作者简介: Gary Matsumoto, a former reporter for NBC and Fox News, argues in Vaccine A that since the 1991 Gulf War, U.S. soldiers have been exposed -- without their consent -- to a gigantic, injurious medical experiment involving a "second-generation" anthrax vaccine. He claims that the pre-1990 vaccine was so purified that the Pentagon under Defense Secretary Dick Cheney feared it would be ineffective against Saddam Hussein's biological weapons. So Cheney ordered the Pentagon's health affairs division to identify a second vaccine source. At some point, Matsumoto alleges, someone seems to have decided to add an oil called squalene to the vaccine to stimulate the immune system and make the vaccine more effective. Squalene is found in the bodies of many animals, including humans, but was obtained for this purpose from sharks.
1 Footprints in the Snow2 The Weakest Vaccine Ever Made3 The Greatest Story Never Told4 The Opportunity5 The Battlefield Laboratory6 The "New and Improved"Vaccine7 The Unraveling8 The Antibodies9 "Vanity Scare"and the Taming of the Grews10 A Dose of Reality11 The Real Biological Weapon12 Same Song,Third VerseAcdnowledgmentsNotesSqualene ReferencesIndex
(A型疫苗)Vaccine A The covert government experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers PDF格式下载