100个伟大的销售技巧The 100 Greatest Sales Tips of All Time

出版时间:2006-2  出版社:艺洲  作者:Leslie Pockell; Adrienne Avila  页数:115  


An essential collection of savvy counsel and practical techniques from Benjamin Franklin, Dale Carnegie, Billy Graham, and dozens of other luminaries. Selling a product or an idea is an art as much as a science. With the help and advice of the dynamic wisdom collected here, anyone can become more adept at the art of selling, while learning valuable principles that will help them achieve great success, both in business and in life. With the words of such dynamic, persuasive sales experts as Joe Girard, Tom Hopkins, and Og Mandino, and legendary figures like Arthur Ashe, Mark Twain, and Benjamin Franklin, THE 100 GREATEST SALES TIPS OF ALL TIME manages to educate and inspire, while providing concrete and practical advice that anyone can use.


Part 1 MotivationPart 2 PreparationPart 3 PresentingPart 4 Service




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