Metrodog: The Essential Guide to Raising Your Dog in the City (精装)

出版时间:2001年07月  出版社:Warner Books (2001年7月1日)  作者:Brian Kilcommons  


They wag their tails, slobber, and romp just as enthusiastically as their suburban and country cousins, but city dogs are a breed apart. They live in high-rises, trot along bustling sidewalks, and play in crowded dog runs, so good manners with humans and canines alike are imperative. In this thorough guide, Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson tell urban dog owners how to do everything from housetraining a puppywhen the sidewalk is 40 floors away and she has to go nowto preventing Rover from barking in a thin-walled studio apartment. Loaded with an arsenal of proven training tips, Metrodog is the book every dog owner in every metropolis must have. Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson coauthored the classic Good Owners, Great Dogs (Warner, 1992), which has netted over 200,000 hardcover copies and has a 92% sell-through. The author has just launched, which e-mails a weekly newsletter to its considerable mailing list.



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