
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Alder, Beth (EDT)/ Porter, Mike (EDT)/ Abraham, Charles (EDT)/ Van Teijlingen, Edwin (EDT)  页数:179  


This unique reference offers an integrated "behavioural science" approach to psychology and sociology as they relate to medicine. The 2nd Edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect all of today's trends, as well as suggestions from student readers. Each single topic is presented on double-page spread with a short case study followed by the appropriate clinical examination, diagnostic procedure, treatment, and prognosis. A wealth of illustrations, photographs, algorithms, radiological images, and summary boxes make the content exceptionally easy to grasp.


The life cycle    Pregnancy and childbirth by Edwin van Teijlingen    Reproductive issues by Beth Alder    Development in early infancy by Peter Wright    Childhood and child health by Mike Porter    Adolescence by Richard Hammersley    Adulthood and mid age by Beth Alder    Ageing by Mary Gilhooly    Bereavement by Gail Johnson  Development of the person    Personality by Beth Alder    Understanding learning by Beth Alder    Perception by Susan Llewelyn    Emotion by Charles Abraham and Susan Michie    Remembering and forgetting by Peter Wright    How does sexuality develop? by Pamela J. Baldwin and Beth Alder and Edwin van Teijlingen    Intelligence by Charles Abraham    Development of thinking by Morag L. Donaldson  Society and health    Understanding groups by Susan Llewelyn    Concepts of health, illness and disease by Sarah Cunningham-Burley    Measuring health and illness by Mike Porter    Changing patterns of health and illness by Sheina Orbell    Social class and health by Kenneth Mullen    Gender and health by Edwin van Teijlingen    Ethnicity and health by Sally Wyke  ……Preventing illness and promoting healthIllness behaviour and doctor-patient encounterIllness and disability Coping with illnessand disability How do health services work?How do you fit into all this?ReferencesIndex



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