
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Bates, Dr. Jane A.  页数:284  


As more and more practitioners are relying on ultrasound as an accepted, safe, and cost-effective diagnostic tool in everyday practice, its use in diagnosing abdominal problems is quickly increasing. This up-to-date edition includes coverage of basic anatomy, technique, and ultrasound appearances, in addition to the most common pathological processes. It serves as both a practical, clinically relevant manual and resource for professionals, as well as an invaluable textbook for students entering the field.


Preface Abbreviations 1. Optimizing the diagnostic information 2. The normal hepatobiliary system 3. Pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tree4. Pathology of the liver and portal venous system 5. The pancreas 6. The spleen and lymphatic system 7. The renal tract 8. The retroperitoneum and gastrointestinal tract 9. The paediatric abdomen 10. The acute abdomen 11. Interventional and other techniques Bibliography and further readingIndex



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