外科学 Surgery 1

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Lavelle-Jones, Michael/ Cox, Peter (ILT)  页数:236  


MASTER MEDICINE: SURGERY 1, 2ND EDITION is the first of two surgical volumes in the MASTER MEDICINE series. This one-volume core review text covers general surgery, urology, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, plastic surgery, and neurosurgery. Like other books in the series, this volume reflects the current trend toward a core curriculum and self-directed learning. Perfect for self-assessment and exam preparation, it covers the core knowledge in these surgical specialties so readers can be assured that all content covered is essential for review. Diagrams that support the text are presented so that the reader can remember and reproduce them in examinations. Each chapter ends with a selection of self-assessment material and full explanatory answers that summarize and expand upon chapter material.


Michael Lavelle-Jones, Consultant Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee


Using this book1. Surgical principles2. Surgical gastroenterology3. Hernias4. Surgical emergencies5. Peripheral vascular surgery6. Urology7. Breast and endocrine surgery8. Cardiothoracic surgery9. Neurosurgery10. Plastic surgery11. TransplantationIndex



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