医学影像Medical Imaging

出版时间:2004-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Renton (Deceased) MD, Peter  页数:134  


This new volume in the popular Illustrated Colour Text series explains everything a non-radiologist needs to know about diagnostic imaging. It provides valuable guidance on which radiological tests to order under various circumstances...how to get the best results from the radiology department...how to read and interpret the resultant reports...and what role interventional radiology can play in diagnosis and treatment. Richly illustrated, user-friendly page layouts make this information easy to understand and apply.  Uses a two-page spread to present all of the information on each topic at a glance.  Offers abundant diagrams to clarify important principles.  Presents summary boxes to expedite review.


Musculoskeletal system by Peter Renton  Respiratory system by Rakesh Misra and Michael Rubens  Gastrointestinal system by Stuart Taylor and Steven Halligan  Genitourinary system by Michael Kellett  Central nervous system by Paul Butler  Index



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