
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:295  


PART 1  BASIC  PATHOLOGICAL  PROCESSES  1. Cellular responses to injury  2. Acute inflammation, healing and repair  3. Chronic inflammation  4. Infections of histological importance  5. Amyloidosis  6. Disorders of growth  7. Neoplasia  8. Atherosclerosis  9. Thrombosis and embolism 10. InfarctionPART 2  BASIC SYSTEMS PATHOLOGY 11. Cardiovascular system 12. Respiratory system 13. Alimentary system 14. Hepatobiliary system and pancreas 15. Urinary system 16. Lymphoid and haemopoietic systems 17. Female reproductive system 18. Breast 19. Male reproductive system 20. Endocrine system 21. Skin 22. Skeletal system 23. Nervous systemNotes on staining techniquesIndex



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