
出版时间:1999-11  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Hull, David; Johnston, Derek I.  页数:382  


Now in its 4th Edition, Essential Paediatrics remains the established, must-have textbook on the market. Generations of medical students have used this book throughout the years to understand common disorders of children and their differential diagnosis and treatment. Thoroughly updated, this excellent resource offers brief, succinct chapters with information-packed pages and a wealth of helpful line drawings. Hull's Essential Paediatrics places an emphasis on the core knowledge every undergraduate medical student must master.     University of Nottingham, England. New edition of a synopsis of pediatric diagnosis and treatment, for medical students. Emphasizes common disorders and communicating with the parents. Previous edition 1987. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


1. The ill child2. Genes3. Fetus4. Newborn5. Nutrition6. Infection7. Hazards8. Airways and lungs9. Heart10. Gut11. Urinary tract and testes12. Blood13. Malignancy14. Growth15. Endocrine16. Metabolism17. Skin18. Bone and joint19. Brain, cord, nerve, muscle20. Seeing, hearing, speaking and learning21. Emotions and behaviourAppendices  A. Normal values  B. National immunisation schedule  C. Child health promotion programmeIndex



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