护理用药手册 A Handbook of Drugs in Nursing Practice

出版时间:1992-6  出版社:Churchill Livingstone (1992年6月1日)  作者:C. R. Henney  页数:375  


This book recognises the growing importance of the nurse's role in the management of patients' drugs.   It provides an alphabetical reference source of drugs used in practice with particular regard to presentation, action, dosage and "nurse monitoring".  Notes have also been provided dealing with specific issues of interest to nurses and students - IV drugs, AIDS and safe handling of drugs.  Information is presented clearly, using the minimum of abbreviations, to provide a handy reference sourc useful for both clinical and educational settings.


Nurse prescribing--a major change in 1993How to use this bookDRUG NOTES (arranged alphabetically by approved name)SPECIAL NOTES Note 1: Nursing aspects of intravenous infusion fluid therapy and drug additives to intravenous infusions Note 2: Intravenous (parenteral) feeding Note 3: Antibiotics and sulphonamides Note 4: Drugs in breast milk Note 5: Ophthalmic preparations Note 6: Anti-cancer drugs--their safe handling Note 7: Limited list prescribing Note 8: The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): a guide for nursesAPPENDICES Appendix 1: The security and administration of medicines in hospital Appendix 2: Metric weights and other measuresINDEX OF DRUGS BY PROPRIETARY AND OTHER COMMON NAMES



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